Lolo Interagency Hotshot Crew
Established 1961
Mission Statement
The Lolo Interagency Hotshot Crew (IHC) provides a safe, organized, diverse, cohesive, and highly trained Type 1 Handcrew resource that is skilled and experienced in all aspects of wildland fire management. We promote mentoring and excellence through teambuilding, training, and hard work on all assignments. Lolo IHC is committed to developing firefighters into fireline leaders and land managers. Crewmembers are provided opportunities to gain experience in areas that test their mental, physical, and critical thinking skills. Lolo IHC emphasis the continuous development of leadership and communication skills to be effective in an array of land management and emergency response situations.
There are a lot of rules in Forest Service handbooks and manuals. As an employee you are held accountable to these rules. Our mission is designed to reflect the core values and major standard operating procedures of the Lolo IHC. The foundation of this crew was laid with leadership, hard work, flexibility, and mental sharpness.
Members of the Lolo IHC conduct themselves in a professional manner always putting safety first. It is important to remember who you represent and to continue to build on the tradition of the Lolo IHC. This crew is built for individuals who are team players and work well with others yet thrive in making decisions independently. Respect for team members and ALL of those operators we work with is imperative.
The Lolo IHC is a unique opportunity for crewmembers to be a part of something special that is remembered for a lifetime. The people you work with while you are here, the places you’ll get to go, and things you’ll see make this one of the more exciting journeys in your life. Crewmembers are challenged mentally and physically throughout the summer, but know the person next to you is giving everything they have as well. You will only receive the benefits of what you put into this experience.
Standard operating procedures (SOP's) will be delivered on day one of critical training. It is ultimately you and your team members responsibility to adhere to these procedures laid forth. You are part of the outstanding history (est. 1961) and tradition of this crew and it is our intention to continue to build upon that excellence.
Prescribed Fire/Project Work
The senior staff at Lolo IHC recognizes prescribed fire as both a land management and training tool. When the opportunity arises, we will be available to aid the districts in their prescribed fire operations. It is an opportunity to expose our employees to the forest, district personnel, and policies. We pride ourselves on the relationships we have developed with our host district (Missoula) and the other districts on the Lolo NF and prescribed fire builds upon this.
If the crew is available we will take part in project work as requested (on and off forest). Project work is an opportunity to help the agency, build relationships, and provide a platform for training.